About the thermal method
- What is the thermal method of contraception?
- Is testicular reflux "natural"?
- No effect on hormones
- Thermal method: Summary
- Summary of the main stages in the WCL protocol
- Key figures
- What examination should I do?
- A 3-step pre-contraceptive consultation:
- Check list #1- Sandbox - Training
- Checklist #2- 0 to 3 months - take-off
- Checklist #3- Being contracepted - cruising flight
- Check list #4- Stopping - landing
- Elements of the protocol that I can adapt to set up my routine
- Can I change my routine?
- Can I wear Andro-switch at night?
- Does wearing less than 15 hours a day work?
- 15h port exactly?
- 15-hour continuous or split shifts?
- 9h to 10h of non-wearing per day
- I went over 15 hours and forgot to take it off.
- Non-stop port: 24h-24h
- 4 years and beyond?