A spermogram is the analysis of a set of parameters. In the case of male thermal contraception, a microscopic characteristic is studied: sperm count.
Below 20 million sperm per milliliter of semen, is known as oligospermia, or insufficient quantity to guarantee fertility. A total absence of spermatozoa is called azoospermia. Thermal contraception is therefore aimed at a situation somewhere between oligospermia and azoospermia.
Other microscopic characteristics are analyzed in a spermogram: sperm motility and shape. These can be used to diagnose asthenospermia or teratospermia, or even oligo-asthenospermia. These features are of particular interest to men who undergo sperm analysis to improve their fertility.
On a macroscopic level, the laboratory also analyzes semen volume (2 to 6 milliliters), pH (above 7, i.e. rather basic) and viscosity. This data may indicate problems with the prostate or seminal vesicles (or glands).
A spermogram without contraception is said to be normal when all the criteria are within the WHO thresholds.

The results are presented in different ways depending on the lab, but the framework always remains the same. Here's an example of what it looks like:

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