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1 min read

Discomfort at the start of wear may be normal. On the other hand, very sharp and continuous pain, even when you stop wearing the ring, is not.

When this discomfort appears, we advise you to remove the ring, and when it stops, to put it back on. If you persist, the discomfort will increase and become very unpleasant. And if it's a sharp pain, it's best to have a medical check-up, as there's probably an underlying pathology.

The sensations of discomfort are generally located at the testicular level and we still lack scientific data to fully understand their etiologies:

  • Relaxation of the vas deferens: in the upper position, the ducts are less twisted than in the lower position. This can produce a sensation of discomfort. This phenomenon appears at the start of practice, then occasionally, I'd say 4 or 5 times a year, totally at random.
  • Testicular compression: in an elevated position, the testicles are less able to absorb shocks and readjust following compression, as with very tight clothing or a sitting position. The other source of compression is due to a pubic pouch that has become a little stuck due to non-use.
  • Postural: Sometimes discomfort is triggered by lying down, standing or sitting.
  • These new sensations will initially alter your bodily habits and feelings a little. Take a little time to discover and get comfortable.

The best is to start with 2h/d and gradually work up to 15h/d over a 7-day period. 

For example: 

Days 1 and 2: 2-hour port / 24 hours

Days 3 and 4: 4-hour / 24-hour port

Days 5 and 6: 10-hour/24-hour port

Days 7 and following: 15 hours / 24 hours

If the pain persists, or if you feel the need to stop the method and/or seek medical advice, don't hesitate.

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