- Contact the Thoreme team
- Call the Spermline and get answers straight from Maxime Labrit, inventor of the Andro-Switch!
Every Tuesday, 7pm to 8.30pm CET, by video call. - If you're in France, get in touch with the sex education hotline run by Planning Familial
- Find a professional in France
- Ask the 4,500+ members of an independently-run
- Connect with the activist movement on social media
- 21,000+ members
- Consult the slowcontraception library for courses, theses, flyers, comics, tutorials and more
- Join a friendly, helpful network of other ring users
- 1,500+ members
An active community of users and professionals to answer your questions.
Contact the Thoreme # team
Meet every Tuesday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the online spermanence by Maxime Labrit #
Ask your questions on the Family Planning chat #

abortion - contraception - sexuality
Meet a professional near you #

Map of sexual health professionals
Ask the users of the independent facebook group #.
4,500 members #

Male contraception - information and testimonials
Soliciting the movement of activist media #
21,000 members #

Consult the slowcontraception library for further information: courses, theses, flyers, comics, tutorials... #

The collaborative network of Ring # users
1,500 members #

To join, write to us with proof of purchase
Disclaimer: The information provided in this FAQ is based on user testimonials and is for general information purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or professional treatment. We are not medical doctors. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for personalized and appropriate medical advice. We accept no responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of the information provided in this FAQ. Send us an e-mail.