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Varicocele: relative contraindication

4 min read

A varicocele is a dilatation of the veins of the spermatic cord, which supports the testes in the scrotum. This condition is often compared to varicose veins found in the legs.

As part of the thermal contraception: #.

You can detect it by palpation yourself, but professional palpation is recommended.

It's not so much the pathology itself that can be deleterious, but rather discomfort or even sharp pain when the testicles come up. This is generally how people who haven't had a palpation and have started the practice discover it.

If the varicocele is too large, grade 3, it is generally accepted that the thermal method will be painful and therefore impractical. You'll have to try it yourself to see whether the pain message is triggered or not. This will determine whether or not you will be able to perform the procedure with a varicocele.

The second point to bear in mind is that this pathology can, but does not always, lead to a disturbance in your fertility, mainly in terms of sperm shape. To be sure that this pathology does not lead to an alteration in your fertility, a spermogram is therefore strongly recommended before starting fertilization, as this would be a major contraindication, or should be discussed with the medical team to determine whether, in the benefit-risk balance, it is better to practice or abstain.

Definition #

A varicocele occurs when the valves inside the veins of the spermatic cord prevent blood from circulating properly, causing a build-up of blood and dilation of the veins. This can cause swelling and, occasionally, noticeable pain. Varicocele is frequently observed on the left side of the scrotum, as the blood circulation in this region has peculiarities that predispose it to this type of problem.

Processing #

Treatment of varicocele depends on a number of factors, such as the severity of symptoms, the impact on fertility and the presence of pain. Here are the main approaches:

  • Active surveillance: if varicocele does not cause significant symptoms, regular surveillance may be recommended.
  • Surgery: techniques such as varicocelectomy (ligation of dilated veins) or embolization (radiological procedure to block blood flow in abnormal veins) can be used to reduce the size of the varicocele and relieve symptoms.
  • Scrotal support: supportive undergarments may be recommended to reduce pain or discomfort.

Impact on fertility #

Varicoceles can affect fertility in a number of ways. They can lead to an increase in local temperature around the testicles, which can impair sperm formation. In addition, blood stagnation can reduce the oxygen supply to testicular cells, affecting sperm production. Studies have shown that varicocele treatment can improve sperm parameters and, potentially, fertility rates in some men.

Varicoceles are relatively common among men. It is estimated that around 15% of the general male population is affected by this condition. However, the frequency increases significantly in some specific groups:

  • In infertile men: Varicoceles are found in around 40% of men evaluated for primary infertility and up to 80% of men with secondary infertility.
  • Adolescents: Around 15% of boys aged 10 to 19 may develop a varicocele as they grow.

These figures illustrate that although varicocele can affect a wide range of men, it is particularly common and worrying in those with fertility problems.

In summary, although varicocele is relatively common and often benign, it can sometimes cause pain or affect male fertility. Treatment can improve both symptoms and fertility outcomes in affected men.

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