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What is contraceptive consent?

2 min read

As with sexual consent, no one can force you to use contraception. The contraceptive choice should be an intimate act, made knowingly, freely for yourself and/or shared with someone you trust, your partner(s), with the aim of having sexual relations free of the procreative act.

However, contraceptive practice can also involve a high degree of risk in cases of intimidation, coercion or violence. When you are unprepared for, or unable to consent to, contraceptive practice, there is an increased risk of not observing the method perfectly, and therefore a high risk of unwanted pregnancy.

The image of the cup of tea speaks for itself, and here's part of it: "If you offer tea to someone who isn't sure they want it, you mustn't decide for them, or force them to drink it. In fact, just because you've made that cup of tea doesn't give you the absolute right to see that person drink it." I invite you to watch the video and read the madmoiZell article.

It's a good idea to discuss male thermal contraception and the use of a thermal ring with your partner. Both of you are affected by this decision. However, your partner is not required to give his or her consent. You can choose to practise Male thermal contraception (MTC) and wear the thermal ring if you have no partner or if you have no children.
Consult your doctor before practising Male thermal contraception (MTC) and wearing the thermal ring.

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