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Is MTC reversible?

1 min read

Yes, as soon as you stop wearing the device for more than 24 hours, sperm production resumes.

Fertility, according to WHO sperm standard values, is back to normal in around 90 days (physiological time required for mature sperm production).

Research conducted to date on the thermal method, over periods of up to four years, confirms the reversibility of the effect on sperm. Fertility tends to return to normal within 3 to 6 months. During this transitional phase, sperm carrying genetic alterations will be evacuated, so it is prudent to adopt other forms of contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Have a spermogram to confirm the return to normal. Follow your doctor's advice before stopping any form of contraception. During this period, it is necessary to use another method of contraception.

Similarly, if you're planning to adopt another form of contraception afterwards, it is advisable to wait for sperm to stabilize, perform a full spermogram, and consult a health professional for an assessment beforehand.

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