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1 min read

To date, there is no commercially available test with a sensitivity of 1 million ml.

If you're in an area where it's impossible to perform this test, here's an emergency protocol to get you started in good, but not optimal, conditions.

Determine if you're fertile: two tests, Yosperm and Exseed, give you a relatively good analysis of concentration and mobility. The quality of your smartphone's optics will be decisive.

During contraception: No test with a threshold of 1 million/ml. However, there is a self-test used for vasectomy: Spermcheck Vasectomy. It works with a reagent and gives a yes-no answer. Its trigger threshold is 250,000 sperm/ml. To use it, you'll need to lower your production not to less than 1 million-ml, but to less than 250,000/ml. This is perfectly feasible for many people, either by increasing their wearing time a little, or because 15 hours at home will stop production entirely.

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