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Press articles and media relations

48 min read

In her book "Des corps disponibles", sociologist Cécile Thomé analyzes the impact of contraception on contemporary heterosexual sexuality. Read the article. L'Humanité

Thermal methods: experimental alternatives. Read the article. Child

Why male contraception is a matter of course. Read the article. Urbania.

I'm on birth control. Watch the video. Les Maternelles.

Contraception for men too. Listen to the show. Education podcast.

Male contraception: "spermanence". Read the article. La dépêche.

A slip or ring to lift the testicles. Read the article. Le Télégramme.

We try to understand how contraceptive methods affect the practice of heterosexual sex. Read the article. Le Temps.

Contraceptive ring for men. Read the article.

New male contraception. Listen to the podcast. Dis moi oui Handi!

Some suggest the use of thermal methods of male contraception. Read the article. Prescrire

I manage my own fertility. Read the article. 20 minutes

It regularly provides information on male sexuality and contraception. Read the article. Ouest France

Contraception, according to Cécile Thomé. Listen to the program. France Inter

They chose male contraception to "enjoy intimate life to the full " Read the article. Ouest France

Montignac-Lascaux: an evening to discuss male contraception. Read the article. Sud Ouest

Providing support for male contraception - Training in Montpellier. Watch the program. PF

There is fresh hope for men to control their fertility. Read the article. DW

High balls on the Liège TV news. Watch the video. La Quatre

Sans rendez-vous, au Planning familial - The documentary. Watch the documentary. France TV.

Has the time finally come for male contraception? Listen to the program. Le Monde

Haut les boules" festival. Listen to the show. Radio Panik

The contraceptive burden, a responsibility that still falls mainly on women. Listen to the show. Radio France Mouv

World Contraception Day: what if men got involved too? Listen to the program. France Bleu

Male contraception still has a long way to go. Read the article. Huffington Post

"Young men come to see us": male contraception makes its way into doctors' surgeries. Read the article. France 3 regions

At present, male contraception is based on two methods: condoms and vasectomy. Listen to the program. RFI

Presentation - Contraception, the end of a taboo? Listen to the program. France Culture

Male contraception: is a revolution just around the corner? Read the article. Radio Canada.

The idea of using male contraception came to me gradually. Read the article. Le Monde

Male contraception is the subject of this medical program from 1982. Listen to the program. France Culture

Yet Canadians are showing a clear interest in this responsibility within the couple. Read the article. Radio Canada

Les stérilisés de Bordeaux, when vasectomy becomes a political weapon. Read the article. Slate

Wie wird die Verhütung der Zukunft aussehen? Read the article. Taggeschau

Ein neues Verhütungsmittel für den Mann? Watch the report. Taggeschau

Bessere Verhütung für alle. Read the article. Canny magazine

Ready for heated underwear? Read the article. Galafur

Die Pille ist out. Watch the report. Y kollektiv - ARD

Male contraception: can do (much) better. Read the article. Lumni

Male contraception: the ring community. Read the article. Far Ouest

My Voice My Choice 🔥 Male contraception and contraceptive equity. Watch the conference. Furax

Male contraception: General practice on the front line. Watch the conference. CPTS Strasbourg Eurometropole

Male contraception: heated briefs - 2 minutes to understand. Watch the interview. Médecine TV

Ejaculate responsibly. Read the article. RTBF

Centuries of questions about male contraception. Read the article. RTBF

The first ever festival on male contraception called "Testival". Read the article. La Provence

Marseille: a festival on male contraception organized by the "13ticules" collective. Watch the ITW. BFM

Male contraception: the ring community. Read the article. Nouvel Obs

Information that's practical, fun and free of taboos. Read the article. La République

Männer, hebt die Hoden hoch! Read the article. Spiegel

I wear a contraceptive ring. Watch the video. Vecu(l)

Male contraception. Listen to the program. Radio chronicle.

The couple you are the hero of: male contraception. Watch the video. Festival reconnexion

Male contraception. Watch the course. Podeduc

The underbelly of contraception. Watch the video. ABC Talk TV

We need to develop research. Read the article. Corse Matin.

Contraception: Men finally concerned. Watch the debate. LCP


Voluntarily encourage public research into male contraception. Read the article. Libération


Men want their GP to prescribe contraception. Read the recommendations. College of General Medicine


Testicular thermal contraception (TTC) is used by several thousand men. Read the article. Egora The voice of doctors

Then there are thermal methods. Read the article. Urbania

"Opening up awareness to all audiences": male contraception takes center stage at a Gers high school. Read the article. La Dépêche

Why aren't there more options for male contraception? Read the article. Le Monde

Contraception concerns everyone. Listen to the show. Libres Ensembles.

The testicle-warming ring, contraception for men on the rise. Read the article. The essential

But for many years now, men have been able to control their fertility using a number of methods. Read the article. Le Point

Male contraception promotion tour on hold. Read the article. JHM

Why is contraception for men so rare in France? Read the article. Le Monde

Thermal male contraception: hormone-free. Read the article. Low Tech Journal N6 2023

Thermal in Belgium. Watch the video. RTBF info

Methods of contraception. Watch the video. RTS

Medical authorities in Switzerland have launched a study into a fast-growing method of male contraception. Read the article. The essential

At Geneva University Hospitals, a study is underway on contraception for men. Read the article. Le Temps

The HUG are working on a male contraceptive device. Read the article. RTS

At the start of 2024, contraception still relies on women. Read the article. L'humanité

Despite their proven effectiveness. Read the article. The vanguard

Male contraception: what do Franche-Comté men think? Read the article. L'Est Républicain

"Heated underwear, contraceptive ring.... Read the article. Le Monde

Men: changing contraceptive methods. Read the article. Santé magazine

Contraception: the role of men. Read the article. Le Nouvelliste

Thermal ring, vasectomy... François and Bastien manage their contraception. Read the article. RTBF

The pill: from sexual liberation to discredit. Read the article. Univadis

Male contraception: the feminist collective lifts the taboo with two short films at Saint-Omer's Ociné. Read the article. La voix du Nord

Dans de Beaux Draps, the program about sexual health and well-being, looks at testicular contraception and, more generally, the relationship between masculinity and contraception. Listen to the show. Dans de beaux draps

Charlie Plès interviews the Contraceptés collective. Listen to the show. Radio Alpha

This method, better known as the "Slip chauffant" or the "Andro switch" ring, is used to "heat" thebody. Matmut

What's a man without sperm? Watch the video. Boys boys boys Arte

In his series entitled Parti Intime, Guillaume Blot captures the issues and challenges of male contraception. Read the article. Fisheye magazine

What is available in male contraception? Listen to the show. Brigitte Lahaie

There's also a thermal solution. Read the article. 50-50

More and more men are turning to testicular uptake for male contraception. Read the article. Le Courrier

Low-cost devices make it possible. Read the article. le Courrier

There are silicone rings to wear on the penis. Watch the video. RTBF we're not suckers

September 26: World Contraception Day | Male Contraception. Watch the video. Hupertan

Male contraception: freedom, equality, virility! Watch the webinar. SexTechforgood

Ten years after the pill crisis, how are contraceptive practices faring? Read the article. The blob

"We're making progress, but not fast enough. Two methods, aimed at limiting spermatogenesis, exist: heated underwear and the silicone ring." Read the article. Nantes metropole

Several male contraceptives exist, but they are little known and not widely used. Read the article. Orne hebdo

With his partner, Antonin is campaigning for contraceptive burden sharing. Read the article. Ouest france

"It's a personal and militant choice. Personal, in terms of being responsible for my own fertility, and militant, in the fight against the imbalance of the contraceptive load" Read the article. Sud ouest

"The aim is to share the contraceptive burden . Read the article. Ouest france

Thermal methods are beginning to be developed. Read the article. Le figaro

Our aim is to support and answer their questions, " explains Dr. Mélanie Boissinot Read the article. La nouvelle république

Male contraception: building a community around the ring Listen to the podcast. Radiola media

Gentlemen, it's time to take control of your contraception... Read the article. Mediabask

Is male thermal contraception really effective? Read the article. Destination Santé

Hodenring: praktikable Verhütungsmethode? Read the article. Gelbe list Pharmindex

kugelzwei: Verhütung für Männer. Watch the report. WDR

Männlich, weiblich - oder was? & Verhütet euch! Zwei Dokumentationen aus dem Master Fernsehjournalismus im Vorfeld der Ausstellung Vielfältige Aussichten. Read the article. Hochschule Hannover


Verhütung ist nicht nur Frauensache - wann kommt die "Pille für den Mann"? Read the article. Lila Podcast

Die Ringträger. Read the article. Zeit

"Männer sollen mehr Möglichkeiten haben, selbst zu verhüten" Read the article. stuttgarter-zeitung.

Gleichberechtigte Verhütung ist nicht nur Frauensache! Read the article. Nake Mag

Sex und Bindungsangst: Eine ungewöhnliche Paarung? Listen to the podcast. Chartable

Brauchen wir die Pille für den Mann? Read the article. BR

"Männer überlassen ihren Sexpartnerinnen ganz schön viel Kontrolle" Read the article. RND

"Männer sollen mehr Möglichkeiten haben, selbst zu verhüten" Read the article. stuttgarter-nachrichten

"Men need to be informed about so-called "thermal" male contraception. Read the article. Why Doctor.

Manifesto about women in STEM. Read the manifesto. University of Quebec

"Andro Switch" Was kann der Verhütungsring für den Mann? Und warum wird er nicht zugelassen?

 Read the article. Der Standard

Nicht hormonelle Kontrazeption beim Mann: Eine Vielzahl ungenutzter Möglichkeiten. Read the article. Aerzteblatt

Male contraception, between obstacles and prospects. Read the article. ILA Magazine

Male contraception: which forms are safe and effective, and why are some not widely used (or even known) in Africa? Read the article. BBC News

These Frenchmen are fighting to change minds about male contraception

Read the article. The next generation and the next

Gynecologists' commitment to the development of testicular contraception. Download. FNCGM

Male contraception. Listen to the show. Radio Campus Amiens

"C'est exceptionnel": created in Bordeaux, the contraceptive ring for men is the talk of the town. Read the article. News Bordeaux

Are heated briefs the new male contraception of choice? Read the article. Doctissimo

Jonge boeren over hun leven na de aangekondigde stikstofplannen: "Niks is meer zeker". Read the article. Redpers

Testicular contraception. Listen to the show. The key to the airwaves

An opportunity to take stock of existing methods and future prospects. Read the article. Ouest france

A journalist breaks the taboo. Read the article. Charente libre

A study on male contraception launched at the HUG. Read the article. One fm

Is the taboo cracking? Read the article. Marcelle Media

Men should also be informed about male contraception
. Read the press release from the Fédération Nationale des Collèges de Gynécologie Médicale

Gynecologists believe that men need to be informed about thermal contraception. Read the article. Why Doctor

HUG launches study on thermal testicular contraception. Read the article. Radio Lac

Contraception: this generation no longer swallows the pill. Read the article. Le Figaro

The photographer creates (terribly missing) representations around a crucial social issue. Read the article. Konbini

Nicolas switched to the ring six months ago. Read the article. Allo Docteur France 5

In recent years, a number of new systems have emerged. Read the article. Effervescent

Male Contraceptive Initiative is investing in developers working on these methodsRead the article. Male Contraception Initiative

The ring is another contraceptive device available for men. Read the article. Medadom

Male contraception is struggling to establish itself in the medical sector. Read the article. La Tribune

The Gironde-based cooperative aims to certify, produce and market contraceptive rings for men Read the article. Sud Ouest

"It's not up to my girlfriend to take care of everything on her own" Read the article. Sud Ouest

Are you on the pill? Watch the video. Arte

What's new in male contraception? Watch the video. La maison des maternelles

Contraception: males get involved. Read the article. La Provence

In the meantime, the website that used to sell them now offers "beautiful silicone objects to decorate your fireplace". Read the article. Unidivers

Some methods, such as thermal contraception, are already available on the Belgian market. Read the article. Le Vif

From town to town, they try to convince people of the merits of their action. Read the article. Ouest France

Comic book Uninhibited testimony to one of the last taboos. Read the article. l'Humanité

A true societal phenomenon. Read the article. France 3 region

"I was entitled to mockery": on male contraception. Read the article. Ouest france

Guillaume tries the ring. Read the article. Acute women

Thanks to this silicone ring, called Andro-Switch. Read the article. RTS

This technique uses a silicone ring ("andro-switch"). Read the article.

"Male contraception - when will the balls have teeth?" Read the article. Télérama

"Call to develop male contraception: stop gilding your pill!" Read the article. Echoes

Erotic, sensual male bodies. Read the article. Fisheye

A fight shared by many actors and activists to achieve greater equality between women and men. Read the article. Marcelle

Understanding the spermogram. Watch the video. gougou & caca

Thermal contraception. Watch the video. The hecklers

Fewer than 10,000 people are contracepted in France. Even the spell-checker doesn't know the masculine form of this word. Read the article. Vogue

The aim is to tackle the subject of male contraception and deconstruct the preconceptions and taboos associated with it. Listen to the program. Radio Panique

Practices are expanding. Read the article. Le Monde

Fortunately, more and more men are asking themselves how they can relieve their partners of this burden, and have decided to take concrete action by becoming contracepted. Listen to the episode. Question Q RTS

Male contraception: the end of a taboo! Read the article. Echoes

Male contraception: where do we stand? Read the article. I'm interested

Male contraception: towards its development. Watch the video. Izi News

Explain male contraception to me like I'm 5 years old. Read the article. The drench

Contraceptive underpants are a codpiece of resistance. Read the article. The Times

Deconstruction moves into the bd. Read the article. Le vif

The idea is to engage people in debate and reflection. Read the article. Le télégramme

So many pretty names synonymous with thermal contraception. Read the article. Vice

Barriers to male contraception. Read the article. Radio Canada

Contraceptive Testicular Rings: How Well Are They Tolerated? Read the article. Medical News group

A wonderful book on the little-known subject of male contraception. Read the article. La dépêche.

Male contraception is still very, if not too, discreet...Read the article. Neozone

Men's contraception options are fairly limited. Listen to the program. Radio Canada

Expert Explains Why Male Birth Control Options Are So Limited. Read the article. Science Alert

Love story and male contraception close Festival Actoral. Read the article. All culture

Several options (hormones, gel, implants, etc.) are being studied. Read the article. Radio Canada

The thermal briefs method, more marginal and experimental, is also gaining followers. Read the article. Le Parisien

Male contraceptive ring: how does it work? Read the article. Parents

Male contraception: a growing awareness in the face of a stagnant industry. Read the article. Montreal Campus

Still little-known, the thermal ring is a natural contraceptive method. A Swiss man in his thirties tells us, without taboo, why he adopted it. Listen to the podcast. Reform

Bobika: a fan of male contraception, he tells us. Read the article. Parents

Bobika has been using thermal contraception since 2016. Read the article. Huffington post

The "contraceptive" ring that pulls up your balls to stop being fertile. Read the article. The fist

Contraception: men too. Read the article. France info

Attitudes are changing. Read the article. Femina

Men also contract. Watch the video. Envoyé spécial.

How about reinventing contraception? Read the article. L'Humanité

The heart of zobs: warmed cuckoo clocks, shared contraception. Read the article. Libération

The Lunéville hospital has launched an information campaign to combat misconceptions about contraception. Read the article. L'Est Républicain

What are the ethical issues involved in male contraception? Read the article. L'Est Républicain

Male contraception: the underpants revolution. Read the article. Télérama

The search is not going fast enough. Read the article. Citizenpost

I wanted to make a documentary about male contraception because one day, a very good friend of mine cried on my shoulder because she had to have an abortion. Watch the video. France 3

Reliability, use, we tell you everything. Read the article. Magicmaman

They experience it and tell their stories. Watch the video. Libération

300 men concerned. Read the article. La nouvelle république

Male contraception: a social problem. Read the article. France 3

How does male contraception work? Listen to the program. France Bleu

What is thermal contraception? Read the article. Doctissimo

The association, which campaigns for the right to sex education, has "recently" started receiving men "who have questions about male contraception" Read article. Comma

I had my share of setbacks during the period when I was getting by Read the article. Midi libre

Lack of resources, research, funding... But no ideas! Read the article. Neon

Good news: the mental burden of contraception can change sides! Listen to the podcast. Parents

Today, Océane Lerouge, director, for the documentary "Contraception masculine, la révolution du caleçon". Listen to the program. Europe 1

What if men took the pill? A not so far-fetched idea, and one that has come a long way... Listen to the program. France inter

Why aren't new contraception techniques such as the ring and heated underwear legal? Read the article. France 3

there are now a number of others. What are these new methods? Listen to the program. France Inter

A contraceptive black box, period panties, a Toulouse ball lifter and an Andro-switch (testicular contraception tool). Read the article. Médiapart

This is the story of a missed opportunity. Read the article. Libération

Marie Msika Razon also sees a change in attitudes, and urges patients to put pressure on their doctors: "It 's the change in attitudes that will drive medicine forward, not the other way round. Read the article. Madmoizelle

The history of family planning. Watch the video. Period

When it comes to contraceptives and sexual health, we're a long way from equality between men and women. So, should male contraception be generalized? Listen to the program. France Culture

Micro Trottoir on male contraception. Watch the video. 50-50 mag

Male contraception: when is it due? Watch the show. la maison des maternelles

In 2017, Maxime Labrit, a nurse, developed a contraceptive ring. Read the article. WhatWhat

This round table discusses the challenges of thermal testicular contraception and possible ways of improving its dissemination and adoption. Listen to the program. Radio40

Changing contraceptive habits remains a long process... Read the article. The caf

Male contraception exists! Watch the video. Marc Galiano

Experiencing them as men can raise awareness and, who knows, accelerate access to contraception for all. Read the article. Freedom.

Board presentation: Opening the debate on male contraception. Watch the video. An unsubmissive, resilient and united metropolis

 "Parti intime": the thermal ring, for fairer contraception. Read the article. Fisheye Magazine

Guillaume Blot's latest series bears witness, "in photos and words", to the photographer's male contraception journey - via the use of a thermal ring. Read the article. les Inrocks

More and more men want to get involved in their couple's contraception. Read the article. France 3 Régions

The PS-Ecolo-DéFI majority wants to raise awareness of male contraception. Watch the video. La capitale Sudinfo

A new symbol in the fight for equality between men and women, male contraception faces a number of obstacles. Read the article. Usbek & Rica

We take a brief look at the challenges facing society, before talking about the obstacles and detailing the different functions in practical terms. Listen to the podcast. Time for a liber'thé

We talk to Christian and Nicolas, from the Thomas Bouloù collective, about male contraception! Listen to the podcast. Time for a liber'thé

Sterilized at 23 and her struggles with male contraception. Watch the video. Ben Névert

If there's one area where women often have to do all the work (and then some!), it's contraception. Watch the report. Téva #
Investigation into male contraception. Watch the report. Clique - canal + #
"It's irreversible", "it's expensive and it hurts", "it's a woman's business"... We've deconstructed preconceived ideas about male contraception. Watch the video. Paris Match #
In the masculine, for a choice that shouldn't be unique to each individual: that of accepting oneself as a straight cis man. Watch his work. Guillaume Blot#
PF32 - Male contraception. Watch the show. PF32 #
Le Fait culture - Male contraception exists! Watch the show. Info France 2 #
What advances have been made in male contraception? Listen to the program. RMC Reportage #
Condoms, vasectomies, heated briefs or even rings... there are several methods of testicular contraception. Celsa takes stock and looks back at their history. Watch the video. Grain de celsa #
We talk to Christian and Nicolas, from the Thomas Bouloù collective, about male contraception! Listen to the podcast. Le temps d'une liber'thé #
Théo Bourrieau, a young journalism graduate, has launched a podcast on male contraception. Listen to the podcasts. Soundcloud #
Why did you choose the subject of male contraception for a podcast? Read the article. 50-50 magazine #

Two journalists carry out an in-depth investigation into one of men's taboos: contraception. Watch the video. les éclaireurs - canal +

What's the current state of research in this field? Watch the video. Leblob

Thermal contraception requires a lot of rigor to be reliable. read the article. I'm a father

To this end, the FWB Parliament has tabled a proposal to improve the sharing of contraception. And what if men got involved? Watch the report. LN24

Male contraception exists, but it's still not widely available. Watch the report. Mammoth media

"It's a completely autonomous method, it's not hormonal, it's without third-party intervention." Read the article. Mosquito

Adrien talks to "Brise Glace" about his choice. Listen to the podcast. Icebreaker

Its creators regretted that "institutions misunderstand and denigrate this method". Read the article. Le dauphiné

A contraceptive ring is natural and, above all, easier by hand than dismantling a carburetor. All we have to do is adjust our ideas to our daily lives. Watch the video. Badass

Men's contraceptive ring banned from sale by ANSM: its Bordeaux designer doesn't give up. Read the article. Sud ouest

Sharing the contraceptive burden, taking back control of your fertility, becoming aware of your paternity...Read the article. Kaizen magazine

[Equality Week] ROUND TABLE "masculinities, sexualities and contraception" Read the article. France Culture

L'homme sous pilule, a 176-page comic strip. Read the article. Les Inrocks

New battle: male contraception. Read the article. La nouvelle république

the andro-switch, a simple silicone ring that reproduces the jockstrap and heated underpants system. Read the article. Independent opinion

Despite their proven effectiveness, hormonal and thermal male contraception are still not widely used. Read the article. Advantages magazine

Anne-Sophie Delcour's comic strip retraces the tortuous journey of a couple seeking a fairer distribution of their contraception. Read the article. Elles

Arnaud, 23, started using male thermal contraception just over a year ago. Read the article. Le Vif

Some men use a thermal contraceptive (heated underwear or ring). Read the article. Le Télégramme

DECRYPTAGE. The new boom in male contraception. Read the article and watch the video. France 3

With his book-investigation "Les contraceptés", Guillaume Daudin throws a spanner in the works. Read the article. Le télégramme

This is a reversible method of contraception that uses heat to inhibit spermatogenesis. The technique involves wearing briefs that pull up the testicles. read the article. Stores advantages

More practical than the contraceptive ring, less invasive than vasectomy. read the article. Les Elles

Contracepted men. Listen to the show. Les pieds sur terre france culture

Understanding & using the Androswitch ring. Listen to the podcast. Committed designers

Here's how the Andro-switch works. Watch the video. Gentside

PLURAL MEN: what it means to be a man today. Watch round table 2-2. Vulvaventure

PLURAL MEN: what it means to be a man today. Watch round table 1-2. Vulvaventure

Contraceptives, lots of options. Watch the round table. New cycles

In Switzerland, almost 1,500 men use this method. Watch the report. RTS

This will cause the testicles to heat up, leading to a "collapse" in sperm production, as the specialists put it.Read the article. Actulandes

A male contraceptive method made in Gironde. Watch the video. TV7 Nouvelle Aquitaine

You wouldn't trust a person with testicles... Listen to the podcast. Wear your balls

A pill for men, heated briefs, a contraceptive ring, vasectomy... Read the article. Urbania

Spermatozoa like it cool, while heat puts the production process on hold. Based on this physiological principle, there are several systems that co exist. Read the article. Symptothermie Pro

He also explains how male thermal contraception (MTC) works, with a demonstration. Watch the video. Symptothermie Pro

"Now, after a few weeks' wear, you don't feel it anymore, even when doing sport. I ran the Brussels 20 kilometers with it on, without any problem". Read the article. RTL Info

The comic strip about the taboo of male contraception. Watch the video. Europe 1

Broadening the contraceptive spectrum. Read the article. Lille Actu

he wears a contraceptive ring. "An experiment in love" , explains the young woman. Read the article. Libération

It's a rigorous technique, but I feel very autonomous. Read the article. Slate

Contraception for men - what methods are available? Watch the report. SRF Impact

Contraception, time for men! Read the article. Kaizen Magazine

Male contraception cishét - The ring by Eddy. Listen to the show. Wear your balls

Generally speaking, in couples, contraception is a woman's business. More and more men don't think it's right. Watch the video. France 3

Male contraception: "There's no reason why this burden should rest solely on my girlfriend" Read the article. Le Monde

A major unthought-of issue in our societies with their tenacious patriarchal reflexes, male contraception was nevertheless on the agenda in the 1980s. Read the article. Le Monde

Male contraception: "Without a social movement, there will be no progress". Read the article. Ouest France

Dr Suzanne Dat, medical gynecologist, in charge of continuing education at the FNCGM. Read the article. Le journal des femmes

As a man, I wear contraceptive underwear, and it works. Read the article. Reporterre

Another possibility is thermal contraception, sometimes referred to as "heated underwear". Read the article. La croix

Research into male contraception continues. Read the article. BBC

Male contraception: "There's no reason why this burden should rest solely on my girlfriend" Read the article. Le Monde

Male contraception: the last taboo? Read the article. France 24

"It's a bit like women wearing their bras. You forget about it during the day and in the evening, when you take it off, you feel liberated." Read the article. France info Culture

Released in October, it has already been reprinted for the third time. The comic book "Les Contraceptés" is a hit. Read the article. France info culture

male contraception on the rise. Read the article. Le quotidien du médecin

Yet, at present, the contraceptive burden is almost exclusively borne by women... Why? Read the article. RTBF

Let's talk about male contraception with "Les contraceptés" comic strip Read the article. All culture

"Misplaced virility": these couples start talking about male contraception. read the article. Ouest France

Thermal contraception is also becoming increasingly popular. Read the article. The Breton people

Contraception for one and all. Read the article. Le télégramme

Yet alternative methods do exist, such as heated briefs or thermal rings. Read the article. RTL

They are increasingly tempted to pay for their own contraception. Read the article. Les Echos

Whether it's heated briefs, rings around the testicles or weekly injections, there are several contraceptive options available to men. Listen to the podcast. Radio Nova

This week, as every year, urologists are meeting in Paris for a congress on male contraception. Watch the video. Europe 1

"The clichés that can exist around male contraception are all about the loss of virility!" Watch the video. Simone Media

If contraception is freedom, why should only women have access to it? Watch the video. TEDx

Contraception is widely regarded as a women's issue... Watch the video. France 24

men don't have many options in this area. Why do women still carry all the mental and physical burden in this area, and what can men do about it? Watch the video. Blast

In November 2021, we published a guide about thermal contraception entitled "Taking care of your sperm and being contracepted.e". Thermal contraception

In the old days, a long time ago, being a guy was basic: you grunted, you scratched, sometimes you shot an animal... Listen to the show. Tanguy Pastureau France Inter

How does male contraception work? Watch the video. Dr Nozman

Men's contraception remains poorly understood, yet solutions do exist. Listen to the program. Le téléphone sonne France Inter

Ever heard of male contraception? Watch the video. Broute

Why is male contraception so taboo? Read the article. The body Optimist

For the past year, Guillaume Daudin, journalist and co-author of Les Contraceptés, has been using a thermal ring. Watch the video. Kombini

Male contraception taboo: "We associate loss of fertility with loss of virility". Read the article. Elle

22% would agree to have a vasectomy, and 12% say they would be willing to try heated underwear. Read the article. 20 minutes

Riddle us this: what do vasectomies, hormone injections and heated underpants have in common? Read the article. Le journal du dimanche

Is contraception becoming a man's business? Read the article. Midi Libre

Heated boxer shorts, rings, hormone injections and even vasectomies... more and more men are getting involved. Read the article. L'humanité

Despite growing interest on the part of some men, the practice is still in the minority in France because it remains taboo. Read the article. France Info

Although contraceptive use has been authorized in France for over 50 years, why is contraception still considered a women's issue? Listen to the program. France inter

"À l'air libre" looks at the taboo of male contraception, a symbol of patriarchy. Watch the program. Médiapart

To set up this device, Damien* had to perform two spermograms. Read the article. France 3 Bourgogne Franche Comté

"It's been half a century since women organized, rallied and fought for contraception and abortion rights. They have broken the law, risking their lives in the process. Their battles are still not over. Will men learn from them?" Read the article. 24Matin

The male contraceptive pill: the story of a failure. Watch the video. Brut

It's "one of the next steps towards greater gender equality", says this feminist activist. Read the article. La voix du nord

The agency states that it is "in contact" with the company manufacturing this product to "assist it in its compliance procedures". Read the article. La Depeche

This technique, which he himself has been using for years, gives two partners freedom of choice and action when it comes to contraception. Watch the video. Urbania

What is a thermal ring? Read the article. 24heures Canada

We are in strong demand on these 3 axes with the Ministry somewhat deaf to the "popular" demand for male contraception. Read the article. 50-50 magazine

Today, it is estimated that between 5,000 and 10,000 men use thermal contraception in France, according to the GARCON association. Read the article. France 3 region

France is still a very conservative country with, more than anywhere else, a very strong pro-birth policy. Read the article. Madame Figaro.

It's been half a century since women organized, rallied and fought for contraception and abortion rights. They have broken the law, risking their lives in the process. Their battles are still not over. Will men learn from them? Read the article. Libération

Where's the health policy? It's not just about handing out pills, it's also about ensuring that the culture of contraception is aimed at men. Read the article. BFMTV

Really, it's not restrictive at all. I sleep in it and live with it every day. I only take it off for sport, showering and sexual activities. Read the article. Est Républicain

So maybe it's time for the authorities to get to grips with the issue. Read the article. France Info

non-hormonal or thermal methods (heated briefs, andro-switch), which can lead to a collapse in the number of sperm produced. Read the article. Est républicain

And yet, male contraception does exist: condoms, penile rings, heated briefs or even the vasectomy option for the definitive version. Read the article. Oh My Mag

Les Contraceptés try the thermal method. Read the article. Casemate

Male contraception: the silicone ring. Read the article. Demotivator

Nearly 70% of our readers are in favor of male contraception. Read the article. La Province

Thermal contraception works quite well. Read the article. Ouest France

These devices are little known to the general public. Read the article. La Province.

The draft resolution aims to raise awareness of male contraception methods, including the thermal method. Read the article. Sud info

Male contraception, a public health and social issue. Read the carte blanche. RTBF

Promote the development of male contraception so that it is not borne solely by women. Read the article. Union syndicale solidaires

Male contraception: "To protect men's health, work on the subject is regularly curbed". Read the article. Usbek & Rica

The andro-switch is also available. Read the article. Consoglobe

The search for a more equitable distribution of contraception. Read the article. Les elles

Male contraception: dedicated consultations at the CHRU in Tours. Watch the program. TV Tours

Men also have a role to play in contraception. Listen to the show. France Bleu

Why aren't more people talking about them, and more importantly, why aren't they being marketed? Watch the program. RTBF

Jean-Yves wanted to talk about male contraception. Listen to the program. La Causerie

Contraception methods exist but are still little known. Read the book. Sos contraception - Marie-Laure Brival, head of the Les Lilas maternity hospital

A medical consultation and a spermogram attesting to the presence of fertility must be carried out beforehand, followed by regular control spermograms. Read the article. Geneva University Hospitals

So where do we stand in terms of male contraception in France? Read the blog. Passing on the pill

For andrologist Eric Huyghe, all three devices are equally effective. Read the article. RFI

Warm briefs can be used as male contraception - true or false? True. Read the article. Santé Magazine

When contraception isn't just a man's business. Listen to the podcast. Did you know?

In France, a new male birth control product has been making headlines in recent months: a thermal ring called Andro-Switch. Read the article. Euronews

This warming makes spermatogenesis, i.e. the production of spermatozoa, impossible. Read the article. Allo Docteur France 5

As students, we are the future of society. And who better to change attitudes than us? Read the article. Kotplanet

Culture undoubtedly influences the debate on the development of male contraception, which is sensitive to patriarchal injunctions. Read the article. On the move

The thermal ring could well revolutionize contraception. Read the article.

No, there's more to contraception than the pill for the lady and the condom for the gentleman. Read the article. Escape the city life

Thermal male contraception involves heat inactivation of spermatozoa. Read the article. Bertyne blog

A Frenchman has taken the concept a step further, producing a latex ring that allows the testicles to be raised. Read the article. Fil Santé jeunes

Male contraception, however, is established and proven, listed by the WHO. Read the article. France Culture

Male contraception already exists... Watch the video. Brut

For the past year, Eddy Buchert, a 29-year-old specialized educator, has been using testicular contraception. Read the article. Midi Libre

This research is progressing too slowly in relation to the needs of the population. Listen to the podcast. RTS Le Point J

Research is underway to develop new male contraceptive methods. Read the article. Santé Publique France

Male contraception will hopefully enjoy renewed interest with the launch of the andro-switch.Read the article. Osphere

I looked into contraceptive options following a discussion with my partner. Read the article. Urbania

What is less well known is that other methods, both hormonal and non-hormonal, have been developed for over 40 years. Read the article. DH

Élodie Serna looks back on a century of vasectomy in a fascinating book entitled "Opération Vasectomie, Histoire intime et politique d'une contraception au masculin". Read the interview. Alter1fo

The associations believe that the State must assume its responsibilities on the subject of male contraception. Read the article. Madmoizelle

Non-hormonal contraception gains new fans! Listen to the show. Tendance Première RTBF

Male contraceptives are still very rare on the market. Read the article. Le Soir

Maxime then embarked on a "do it yourself" project to create the Andro-switch, a thermal ring. Read the article. Elle

Contraception is also a man's business. Read the article. Imagine, Demain le monde n°144

With a man who practices male contraception. Listen to the podcast. Chappey podcast

Will this silicone ring revolutionize contraception? Listen to the podcast. Podcastine

A look back at 1 month's wearing of Thoreme's "Androswitch" thermal ring. Read the article. vilmerhypnose

From the still marginal thermal method, which involves pulling the testicles up close to the body using a ring. Read the article.

La Presse Canada

While the contraceptive benefits of raised testicles are starting to gain ground, it's also important to explain how to wear the ring effectively. Read the article. So Good

The silent minority who take charge of their contraception and share it is becoming increasingly important. Read the article. Fémininbio

We turned to the Andro Switch. Read the article. Top Health

Today, however, awareness is growing. Read the article. Gre.mag

Let's break free from our limiting beliefs and embrace the many possibilities that are already opening up to us. Read the article. Magicmaman

Chloé de Bon and her team have set up a series of webinars accessible online to inform and educate about contraception issues, with a focus on male thermal contraception. Read the article. Flair

A penile ring, also effective for male thermal contraception. Read the article. Qare

A call for men to take responsibility for contraception. Read the article. Médiapart

"the "arlesienne" of the so-called male pill plays its final act, the hall is empty, the street whispers of a new era." Read the article. Konbini

"I think the company is on the way to a beautiful evolution." Read the article. Wedemain

Andro-Switch, heated briefs, vasectomy... Male contraceptive methods are under-used in France, placing a "contraceptive mental burden" on women. Read the article. Why doctor

This ring, manufactured in Saint-Médard-en-Jalles, is set to become the missing link between a voluntary male generation and a new kind of contraception. Read the article. Rue89

Interview for Chut. Les Secrets du Corps Féminin by @dreamingraccoon : Listen here

Interview with @aventures en orgasmie : Part 1 - Part 2

Male contraception: can do (much) better. Watch the video. Lumni.

What's your contraceptive method? Watch the video. Sun'n'sex 

After several generations of contraception relying on women, perhaps it's time for fertility control to pass into the hands of men, or both partners. Read the article. Positivr

Why is Switzerland one of the few European countries where the pill is not reimbursed at all? Watch the report. RTS

Men are slowly regaining control of their fertility. Read the article. Nouvel Obs 

Dr. Soufir explains that what is needed is a "social, political and economic movement to enable its development". Read the article. Le Châtillon-Parlons solutions

Amin talks about his personal experience with the Androswitch ring. A man-to-man sharing so that everyone can take their power back into their own hands. Watch the video.

It's not often you read that birth control is everyone's business. Inclusive writing is a must. Read the article. Le Monde Libertaire

More discreet and less restrictive than heated underwear, the thermal ring uses the same principle to provide contraception for men. Read the article. 

Male contraception exists but is little known and little used by men. Why is it so underdeveloped today? Watch the program. Libres Ensemble 

Hormonal male contraception methods also remain confidential, as does the "thermal method" using heated underwear or an "Andro-switch" ring. Read the article. France Soir

This method has been such a media success. Listen to the show. France Culture 

We talk about male contraception (with rings, even). Read the article. Flush

Aware of the burden this represents, and convinced that their spouse should not bear this responsibility alone, more and more men are looking for solutions to share contraception with their partner. Watch the interview. La maison des maternelles

"Maybe it's time to do something about it, don't you think?" Maxime is thirty-six years old and practices male contraception, also known as the thermal method. Read the article. Positivr

Male contraception: is this the right idea? Is it the way, a key, to a form of equality? Is it even possible? Listen to the program. France inter - Pas son genre

The value of the ring in a context of gender transition such as tucking. Listen to the podcast. TalQ - Entrepreneurship in sexuality. 

All three grope, debate with family and friends, and begin contraception procedures in front of Guillaume Levil's camera. Read the article or watch the documentary "The pants problem". Les Inrockuptibles

Men almost forget that they have a responsibility, but also a right, to decide on their future parenthood or non-parenthood. Read the article. Psychosexology

There are already several reliable and medically validated methods of male contraception. Read the article.

Interview on male contraception.Watch the video. @helene_decaestecker

And you in your relationship, who's in charge? @contraceptalk

The end for Sexomax, with contraception for men. Watch the video. Couleur 3 

Because contraception isn't just a woman's issue. Watch the show. La Maison des Maternelles France 5

It's coming, but slowly... more and more men are defying prejudice and looking for solutions to play their part in fertility control. Read the article. Elle Magazine 

The thermal ring is therefore a method that every man should know about, and one that should be discussed as a couple. Read the article. Ô Magazine

As with heated briefs, this thermal ring keeps the testicles above the scrotum at body temperature for 15 hours a day. Read the article. Infor Jeunes Brussels

While waiting for the miracle cure, some forward-thinkers are turning to a surprising but no less effective tool. Watch the report. Arte 

Océane spoke to 43 men about male contraception, and we've taken stock of the subject by including testimonials from 14 of them! Read the article. Madmoizelle

The contraceptive landscape is changing. More and more men are concerned about their fertility and are seeking to take control of their own contraception. Read the article. Buzzle 

Still little-known, testicular contraception has been around for decades, and is more effective than condoms and vasectomy. Watch the video. Emilie Wartel naturopath - nutritherapist - symptothermal trainer

But alternatives to the pill and condoms do exist. More and more young couples are being tempted by these zero-waste, hormone-free methods. Read the article. Le Vif

On February 4, Jeanneke Paper took part in Oyes' "Focus on balls" conference... Watch the video. Jeanneke Paper

In this program, Maxime recounts the history of this type of contraception (which dates back to Methuselah, although it's unlikely that he himself ever used it). Listen to the show. Santé au naturel on Radio Zinzine

And yet, if men were to use their own contraception, alternatively or in addition, the benefits of equitable sharing would be socially significant. Read the article. RTBF

Yes, now when you have a penis you can use something other than a condom to protect yourself. Watch the video. Sexpedition 

Heated underwear is not the only male contraceptive based on the mechanical thermal principle. The more recent Andro-Switch contraceptive ring is its evolution. Read the article. Dansmaculotte - blog

Cécile Malfray: "Men are considered to be too soft to use these contraceptive methods [...] We laugh about underpants, we're afraid that wearing them is unpleasant, as if wearing a bra or IUD in the uterus were pleasant!". Read the article. Yahoo Style France

Investigation in France and Scotland into the first experiments in male contraception. Do we really need a pill for men? Is male contraception a market of the future, or just a fantasy? Watch the report. Vox Pop - Arte

99 to 100%: perforated briefs or silicone ring through which the penis and scrotum (the skin envelope of the testicles) are passed, this raises the testicles, increases their temperature and sperm production stops, briefs/ring to be worn minimum 15 hours/day. (+ info with's great comic-test or the @slowcontraception account on Instagram). Read the article. I'm going off the pill - Sabrina Debusquat

Male contraception: have you heard of the thermal method? Watch the report. We're not suckers - RTBF

Yes, I have the impression that the debate has opened up and that there is less of a taboo. Men are more aware that contraception can be shared, but there's still a long way to go. Read the article. Le matin

Art as a response to malaise: Pauline Simon, a student at the EHESS and a dancer, has taken the artistic route in response to this cultural problem. She is currently working on a choreography project inspired by the thermal method, "The great hold up". Listen to the podcast Muckefunk 

Sit down around a table, and take the time to discuss your contraceptive journeys and experiences, so that everyone knows what's going on, and so that we can all share contraception again! Watch the speech. Flair: Point Barre

"I wanted to contracept myself, to have another choice than condoms or 'vasec'. And to find natural methods against the capitalized body", explains this altermondialist of briefs. Because so-called male contraception, as defended by all the guests, is also anti-capitalist and environmentally friendly. Read the article. Alter échos 

Far from being commercial, the nurse's mission is above all militant. "We want to support men in their capacity for self-determination. We're subject to this patriarchal injunction that a man's fertility must be permanently available. Why?" In France, around 1,000 men would benefit from this natural contraceptive. Read the article. The future

A natural, reversible method of contraception for men? It exists! Maxime uses the testicular thermal method. He lifts the taboo on this practice deemed "emasculating". Watch the speech. Konbini news

Male contraception is also an advantage for guys, who can now discuss their sexuality and parenthood more freely, a subject still rarely broached between mates. Read the article. Flair

In this new edition of Autrement, Cyprien Houdmont and his guests discuss the new methods of male contraception, and the difference in treatment between men and women when it comes to these methods. Watch the show. BX1 - Autrement

When we talk about contraception, we think of female contraception, and for men, condoms and vasectomy, whereas there are other alternatives that have been used for 40 years. Listen to the program. Beur FM

"The more contraceptive methods we have, the more couples will be able to choose the one that suits them best", says Dr. Mieusset. Even if it means alternating the "contracepted" within the couple! Read the article. Vocation santé

A small ring-shaped object could revolutionize fertility control for men... and their partners. Read the article. Yahoo Style France

"Focus on Balls" has three objectives: to improve the knowledge of healthcare professionals and students, to raise awareness among the general public, and to encourage the development of contraceptive supply and equity. Read the article. BX1

If you're not a handyman, there's always the andro-switch. Read the article. Rockiemag

The thermal ring is also recommended by male fertility specialist Daniel Murillo. Read the article. RTBF

And then one day in May, a gentleman named Maxime said to himself, "Now we're going to stop, it's not just women who have to put up with this. Men have to worry too, and he's been working on a revolutionary male contraceptive. Read the article Insidewomen

Like him, Valentin has become so accustomed to the andro-switch that he forgets he's wearing it. Read the article WE DEMAIN

To make it easier for partners to share the contraceptive mental burden, a thermal contraceptive that inhibits sperm production has entered the market. Find out more! Read the FQPN article - Quebec Federation for Planned Parenthood

The object is to be worn for a maximum of 15 hours every day, for a maximum of four years according to doctors' recommendations, studies having not gone beyond this duration. The "Androswitch" penis ring works in the same way. Read the article Cosmopolitan

A planning center in Isère has ordered several models, handcrafted by its creator. As with the heated underwear, the ring must be worn for around 15 hours a day. Not so restrictive "compared to what is offered to women", says the entrepreneur. Read the article Libération

I believe that the contraception of the future is a shared contraception where everyone takes responsibility for their own bodies. For example, by using androswitch for men and symptothermy, a natural method based on observation of oneself and one's body, for women. Read the article. RTBF 

Les bonnes adresses - Contraception for men - with Maxime Labrit, inventor of the Andro-switch. Read the article. Elle en sens

But contraception isn't just a woman's business, since male contraceptive methods do exist, and some have for a long time. Listen to the program. France Inter - le téléphone sonne

Imagine if you'd never worn underwear, you'd feel the same way. It's a great way of using contraception in a way that respects people's bodies," continues Laurent. Even with very limited means, anyone can use contraception. Read the article. Les Inrocks

This is a natural, hormone-free method. It is based on raising the temperature of the testicles by means of body temperature, resulting in temporary and reversible infertility. Andro-switch. This is a 100% silicone ring, made from the same material as the moon cup. Like the briefs, all you have to do is insert your penis into the ring and then slide the skin of your scrotum over it. Read the article. FEMMESProd

Le coeur des zobs: The web series that tackles feminist issues through the eyes of a white, cisgender, straight man. Ordinary sexism, male contraception, leg hair, prostate... He shares his journey with the underpants and the ring... Read the comic. Bobika 

We can no longer wait for the pharmaceutical laboratories or public authorities to wake up," asserts the nurse who designed the Andro-switch... it's civil society, through usage, that's going to change the way things are done. Contraception is not a disease. Read the article. Neon 

When it comes to contraception, it's usually the women who take responsibility. But there are plenty of alternatives for men... and not just condoms! Read the article. FEMMESProd

It's for people who don't wear boxers/briefs/trousers, for people who want to go to the beach in the summer, so you can be a little more free! Read the article. Nousonvayageaussi 

Inspired by the thermal method developed by Dr. Mieusset, the andro-switch is a silicone ring designed to hold the testicles at the entrance to the inguinal canal. Read the article. ARDECOM

They have decided to �� themselves contracept" and campaign for male contraception. This is the case, in France, of the ARDECOM association. Read the article. Health Education 

Male contraception made possible. Read the article. Le Parisien 

Male management as a complement or replacement for female contraception could also reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies and abortions, half of which are the result of contraceptive failure. Read the article. Axelle magazine

Thermal male contraception, too little available. Read the article. Madmoizelle 

Original, but not definitive, thermal contraception involves slowing down sperm production. Read the article. TV5 monde

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