
Diary of my experience with male hormonal contraception

Contraception is a matter for the couple. But we men have an unfortunate tendency to leave this "mental burden" to our darlings. Attitudes are only slowly changing, and "invasive" contraception is still usually a burden reserved for women. Yet there's plenty to [...]


Understanding the Process and Implications Vasectomy, also known as male sterilization, is a permanent contraceptive procedure that is attracting increasing interest in France. It offers a reliable, hormone-free contraceptive option for men who no longer wish to have children, or who do not wish to [...].

Contraceptive choice: why take a different look at contraception?

Heterosexual sexuality cannot be reduced to the act of vaginal penetration and/or ejaculation. To enter into physical love is to enter a space of a multitude of gestures and movements as vast as the universe. This is what we learn from Tantric sexual practices. If penetration has long been synonymous with [...]

Switch up

Evolution of living organisms Some species evolved from ancestors with external testicles, yet the testicles are actually inside the abdomen, as in hedgehogs and dolphins, for example. Why are human testicles located in an eccentric pocket of the body? A question of temperature, seduction by display, to run [...].

Bio Act

Biohacking The term hacker is used in its original sense to find new, intelligent ways of doing things in the context of participatory biology. Brushing our teeth is already an act of biohacking. Certain bodily functions seem to be beyond the control of our consciousness: digestion, heartbeat, etc. What about [...]?

How can I have a spermogram at home?

A spermogram is the analysis of a semen sample. It provides information on sperm quality, number and health. This examination is necessary in two common situations: To check the effectiveness of a contraceptive method: vasectomy, hormonal, and in the thermal contraception protocol To monitor and treat an infertility problem [...].