Gentle, natural and autonomous contraception
Slow contraception is a value system. It's a human quest to share the mental burden of contraception, to alternate contraceptive carriers within heterosexual couples, and to better understand how our
bodies work, their rhythms and their needs.
The future of natural contraception is something we'll all be working on together, adding up the individual practices that always count in the end.
The new millennium had long since dawned, generation after generation had come and gone. men had still not been contracted.. What was going on on this blue planet? What was the global strategy of this strange species called humans? Did they want to reproduce ad infinitum and conquer the universe? The species seemed to be inexorably heading for doom, when suddenly a rumor appeared out of nowhere: slow contraception could change our future.
In this article, we define an innovative terminology: male contraception. When words don't exist to talk about our lives, we have to invent them. What is slow contraception? What can it do for us? How can we put it into practice?
Who has ever uttered words like testicular contraception, contracepted man or slow contraception? As Nicolas Boileau would say, what is well conceived is clearly stated and the words to say it come easily, and it's not Maxime Labrit who will contradict me, as this article is dedicated to his creativity and strength of conviction.
The future will tell us what words our society will use to talk about male contraception and a complete and complementary equality between men and women. While we wait for the media to take up the theme, we're free to write blog posts on almost virgin keywords... Definitions belong to those who take them up!
Slowly but surely: men are taking control of their contraception
Men came from Mars, and today they dream of returning there. They're developing cutting-edge technologies, making augmented men, designing artificial intelligence... And yet, research into male contraception is floundering.
Today, male contraceptive methods do exist. They are used by an extreme minority of men. Why is this?
Too little information on male contraception and a lot of misinformation. Not enough sexual health professionals and teachers are trained: who can make these techniques available to the population, to young people, to future fertile men?
Reading this article is a first step, browsing the blog is another. The steps will follow one after the other: talking about it around you, trying a contraceptive method for men, telling your son about it, telling your partner that you've been contracepted.
Revolutions don't happen overnight. They take time to prepare. Changes don't happen without movement, like a cascade of dominoes, which first have to be lined up for hours.
Contraception is an essential right, won through the struggle of convinced women over half a century ago. Since then, it's hard to imagine turning back the clock. Yet, by being completely taken over by official medicine, women's contraception has lost its subversive power. The women who fought for contraception were organized in networks, performing illegal abortions safely and autonomously. They were convicted of the illegal practice of medicine, dispossessed of their knowledge, practices and tools. With the legalization of abortion, medicine became the sole guarantor of birth management and interventions on women's bodies.
Only Plannings Familiaux have retained their social and educational practices, to inform, educate and prevent.
Slow contraception means reappropriating contraceptive methods, reflecting on contraceptive choices and seeking autonomy in our sexual practices.
Marie Leloup - 12-25-2019