Thoreme aspires to more than just innovation in the field of reproductive health. In developing testicular contraception solutions, we seek to balance the balance of responsibility, to resolutely support the rights of women, of all people whatever their sexual orientation or gender identity, and to act with ecological imperatives in mind. By participating in our vision, you are helping to redefine the future of contraception and to work towards a more equitable world.
1. A work ethic:
At Thoreme, we strive to create a work environment based on mutual respect and dignity. Any form of discrimination or harassment has no place with us. All our interactions, research and collaborations are conducted with ethics and integrity.
2. Commitment to Shared Responsibility:
We strive to help create a world where contraception is no longer an unequally borne responsibility. Contraceptive equity is at the heart of our mission, and every step we take is a step towards this reality.
3. Absolute Respect for Reproductive Rights:
Reproductive health is a fundamental right. By supporting the right to autonomy and abortion, we seek to ensure that every individual, whatever their sexual orientation or gender identity, can make their own decisions freely.
4. Allie.e.s du Féminisme Actif:
By working closely with feminist organizations and initiatives, we are actively contributing to the realization of a world where gender does not limit potential.
5. Deep Ecological Awareness:
As we move forward with our research and development, we ensure that our ecological impact is minimal and that our approach is as sustainable as possible.
6. Innovation at the service of all:
Although our products are still in the development phase, every step of the way is guided by a commitment to providing reliable, secure solutions that are accessible to all.
7. Education and Open Dialogue:
Through educational initiatives, we are committed to enlightening the public on the issues of testicular contraception, reproductive rights and equality for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
Société Thoreme is firmly committed to these principles, and every stage of our development is a reflection of this charter.
Together, let's work towards a future where contraceptive equity is no longer an aspiration, but a reality.