
Bio Act


The term hacker is used in its original sense to find new, intelligent ways of doing things in the context of participatory biology. Brushing our teeth is already an act of biohacking. Certain bodily functions seem beyond the control of our consciousness: digestion, heart rate, etc. What about spermatogenesis? Just as it's possible to modify certain seemingly out-of-control functions by controlling breathing or mental visualization, spermatogenesis can be regulated by intentional & natural exposure to heat. Andro-switch is one of the tools making it possible to control fertility by optimizing testicular support in the inguinal pocket without underwear.




Did you know that different mammals have their testicles in different positions? Elephants, for example, have their testicles in the abdominal cavity, while otters have them in the inguinal pouch. For some rodents, they only emerge from the abdominal cavity during the mating period, when they increase in volume. A hypothesis to be verified would be that testicular ascent for contraceptive purposes has been envisaged in the living world.

Some species evolved from ancestors whose testicles were external, yet the testicles are actually inside the abdomen, as in hedgehogs and dolphins, for example. Why are human testicles located in an eccentric pocket of the body? Is it a question of temperature, of seduction by display, of running faster or even of increased abdominal pressure following bipedalism? As far as living beings are concerned, keeping the testicles in the inguinal pouch is natural. The thermal ring makes this practice feasible and accessible.

Universal law of gravitation

How could the testicles move away from the body to maintain a lower body temperature without the force of gravity? The cremaster muscle is a muscular structure that covers the testicles. Its function is to raise or lower the scrotum in order to regulate testicular temperature to promote spermatogenesis, which can only take place at 1.5° below body temperature. The cremaster is one of the elements enabling the testicles' natural thermal regulation. Without the force of gravity, relaxation of the cremaster muscle no longer results in lowering of the testicles. The direct action of the thermal ring and other testicular raising tools is to generate a local anti-gravitational force, creating a natural testicular holding force.

The torus

Human beings, like other species, make tools according to their degree of knowledge, their biotopes and the constraints to which they are exposed. Toroids can be found in the most unusual places: in the shape of red blood cells, in the expanding gases of exploding stars, etc. This simple, donut-like geometric shape, recurrent in nature, has become an obvious choice. The thermal ring for holding the testicle in an upright position is nothing other than an exoprosthesis based on the observation of nature's mathematics.



Labrit Maxime - 11-13-2018