
Personal is political

 Be a good boy... and why not "Our bodies, our lives, our rights to choose"? When will individual and collective awareness rise, as it did in the 60s, so that men can reclaim their bodies? In the 60s, in the United States, the United Kingdom and then France, [...]

Be Human

Gender, why do it up? Faced with the problems associated with socio-sexual identities, testicular remounting using tools such as Andro-switch, the underpants, etc., can facilitate an emancipatory approach to family relations in terms of contraceptive choices and one's position in the face of patriarchy and viriarchy. Gender(s) & Sexual identity(ies) [...]


Under construction Taboo & precariousness of the so-called masculine principle The lack of accessibility of heated briefs led me to design and produce my own testicular enhancement tool. This move to reappropriate my body, by seeding raw material for a practical purpose, was based on making and eroticizing the experience of [...].

Post-partum contraception: what if men could help?

The post-partum period is a very special time in a woman's life. Concentrated on the arrival of the baby, preoccupied with breastfeeding and changes to her own body, a mother has to manage a number, and a return to contraception, too early, is often resented. The question of post-partum male contraception is [...]

How can I have a spermogram at home?

A spermogram is the analysis of a semen sample. It provides information on sperm quality, number and health. This examination is necessary in two common situations: To check the effectiveness of a contraceptive method: vasectomy, hormonal, and in the thermal contraception protocol To monitor and treat an infertility problem [...].